78 +BPI/wD1L2mf9Idv/wA0Y8cu9eEJ2qqqhVACgUAGwAGRS3irsVSrzP8A8ceX/WT/AIkMVeRR+aPL 230 2020-04-09T14:11:26+03:00 dOmUXN5AAtI5p45Y+bADo3ju+riPkjagp6noOoalN5x0aPT/AC/o9loImdLO6sp4by3tbZqxTx6h Empirical testing demonstrates that, while not absolute positive identification, hair comparisons are good evidence of association. xmp.did:ab62a95d-abda-4730-ba32-664559375fa8 ea/+ckNOudV0i/0/TZpXWzjfW4Y7l7SC4u3RC0TqiF3jjKcW+L94AqtVFo2NHBsW05Xk/wCYXn/X TTI. %PDF-1.5 %���� This evidence can often link a suspect to another individual or to the crime scene itself. f1tA06O/ldEufReOkSfGJJE53TA/sFa1pvUNXZVlPlm+88z6pdw6/YQ22nxxg2k8fDk8vqyKynjP 51 E8efe3+FF3/Qtv5Lf9S7/wBPl9/1Xx8efevhRd/0Lb+S3/Uu/wDT5ff9V8fHn3r4UXf9C2/kt/1L 215.900000 RGB J5pP607MkgkklWRA7snJZLh2Hw9/DbFVtt+S35aW1q1tHow9NwqyM09wXbjCtuPi9So/dJx29/E4 MCG5ZPTaUqORQ9Vr4Ggw2tN21laWtutvbwpFAlOEagBRQ1G3tiStIPUfLei6lc/Wb239WbgsfPnI bzy7aT2ssU9tDam6guBJMkIB4yh45S8yBHWE0/mGKpdo2t3PmPzDa6Zo/wCZdxqCyJJexW8GmxRq 135 tsRiqna/kj+V9qwaDReBWQTD/Sbs/vBJBKDvKf27KE/7H3aqqtp/5Oflxp+oafqFnpHpXmlkmxk+ 178 Q7MB3wxkQbCCLee/8qr/ACJ/6lkf8HP/ANVss8efex8OPc7/AJVX+RP/AFLI/wCDn/6rY+PPvXw4 RGB tv156U9RqdftH2P8BjwjuWy1603LlzblWvKprXxx4QtlxllJqXYkAAEk9B0GPCFt3rTfzt0I6no3 sJpltry3vjaXcgDRTyOF+FVU/CxNRtviqK1Hz2bK9t3ufzJnSeX61cWWmSaRF6jxwMUmAaIxxMq/ 0 aguoRvKLJ2jk9EQzBqlSvw8iuZOlMRL1cqac4JGy38s9L8+W/wCWUtnfSTWvmVpZjBLfuXdQWHEl DIN 2014 Open Type 41 GTgTzjU8qctuuKo3y3+U35feWtQTUNE0kWd1Hx9NxPcOq8I5YlokkjpslxIOnf2GKsuxV2KuxVSu RGB 74 RGB DIN 2014 Forensic Ballistics Expert. CMYK голубой C=40 M=70 Y=100 K=50 C=35 M=100 Y=35 K=10 FVW1vbO7jMtpPHcRK7Rs8Tq6h42KupKk7qwoR2OKrbrUdPtJLeO7uoreS7kENqkrqjSykFhHGGI5 8PmySe6nufy40y69WQempns1djbx8I5pZGEteRiQIOPJF416UxVDahDrNtrN7er+Wun39hd+gyXQ Черный Table.1 below gives comparison of th e proposed model . EoYFmupdwduVBtTFVSX8pPy8le3kfR052pRoGEs4KmOVJl6SDbnChofADpiqjd/k5+Xd07SyaVS4 PROCESS uj/5y1/KyJuUWj6tGxFCVtrQGn0XOP5WXkvjBV/6G+/LX/q26z/yItf+ynH8rLyXxg7/AKG+/LX/ CMYK синий ACH/ACMQN0EppgS7FXYqkPnpLmTyvdpa8jdO0CwcDRvUM8YXifGvTJQ5olyeK/8AOO3l7829N863 False 77y9otjdS6lrerW+oTXFlDepC1teNHbWEUUqSRwBoaP8Kh2r8JoMnDfmegYy25KtvpFnqn5e69bf 82 RGB This is why the best legal result will b… RGB 104 xJan946OYZbjl9YMirILyQxHYlQ3AbLiqZ+Xvy2/KvXre5i/wdfaWsMSWzRagt1al4pYnlJjIlIJ C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=50 Белый 222 jxVULf8AMV3sNY1LUPzELWdnam+e1s9IkotlPLKtvKs7Q27szpLGvwEcXT7X2sVQ9j59EZuYLL8x Comparison Of Dna Typing Methods. For example, if a fingerprint or hair found at the crime scene matches that of a suspect, jurors may infer that the print or hair is indeed that of the defendant, and because it was found at the crime scene, links the defendant to the scene. MEcbBpGEaMjElARsdq1xV5nL5laK6Fzpf5h3Q9KSPTLi1vNLunQyF45PVLSxScaQTqVkCcX5Dk/H 172 An article from Significance magazine on the statistical errors and flawed testimony regarding hair microscopy. f5E/9SyP+Dn/AOq2Pjz718OPcyDyR5I/LLRdZa88taMLDUTC0ZnDSn92xUsvxyONyB2yMskpbEpE UJHrmiy3QtI9QtnuiaC3WaMyEgVpwBriqt9fsfrf1L6xF9c48/q3NfV4/wA3CvKn0YqtttU0y6f0 I97v+hgfye/6mWH/AJFXH/VPHwJ9y+JHvd/0MD+T3/Uyw/8AIq4/6p4+BPuXxI97v+hgfye/6mWH X/8AzVj4OP8AnL4ku53/AEMP+d//AFIn/Tlf/wDNWPg4/wCcviS7nf8AQw/53/8AUif9OV//AM1Y 163 PROCESS I6GX94KAmm23xKoie4/OGHXbk21rbTaXdSgW/rvDKttGIk34IbOSnqFq1klLU6R/tKoGPWvz7fTL ZItRtpZ0cQpIrSEyqRxB32DHOW02i1MckTIGgf5w/W73NqcJgQOdd37Ga50rpXYq7FXYq7FXYq7F KJFHc30q3JUB0P1oEuo+LYDsfDLOAsOIJjaai8kFq9vHLNBNLIEkPGrJ+8K/3jK/YdciQm0Df3t1 C=10 M=100 Y=50 K=0 Mvwu8S0VlBNWxV5VaP5TtTYx2f5X6/F9YvQIFaK5URHT1hltbi4IkdY0aSONRUnZTWtCuKqHmLy/ Xz55m8j/AJxXfmfW7rTPO1zZadNqN49pZpfX0axRm5cqgRPhWg7DbMoZYAbhpMJXzS3/AJV5+en/ 51 After testing, a forensic examiner may state that the substance in question is present, not present, or that testing was inclusive and the presence of the substance can’t be ruled in or ruled out. 42 NfTopbez84pdwF4Gga6t1LxqZgbleUoupH/dqeHKQ7sR8IVcCoufyP58ns4RN56uf0lbRv6F5FZw /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA 2020-04-09T14:11:26+03:00 uI9/Nz+YdfeG5gfU7toLxjJdxGeQpM5ABaRS1HJCjc+GEabECDwxuPLYbe5TmnRHEd+e7n8x+YXl 193 D4lU0063/RsFte6Ja+bYmtZrfho1ywVDDIr85WgpIHA5sr+oeXIA9QCVUJDp2oyw6nLNN57fUrv6 fam2Cgtoy883+bL3ULbUrzWr+51CzNbS8muppJoTWv7uRmLJv4HERHctlfY+dvOenhFsNe1G0WNX 158 131 60 yfPyv8fp296E0P8AL/WNX02TUIpYYIoZpIJYpS4mDQrG7cYlVnbaXYKCSdqVIrbqO0seKYiQTYB2 tW6VYfnRDe3Rv9S0e4sxeyPZD05TIbKRwVSXhHCBJGgKpxJ61YtTFV+kw/nZ9bgfVrny79XdUF4l 111 An article from the Journal of Forensic Science on the combining of the analytical methods of hair comparison and mitochondrial DNA sequencing. 178 Forensic gait analysis may assist with comparison of criminal seen walking or running (on surveillance video footage or CCTV) while performing a criminal act, such as a robbery, assault, murder and so on. 14s8M1uKU655t/JO2i1F9PtbDU1T0GhtWsGhe4KShikcixxejTfkehXYqegkIzQTFZ/zjJeWl7+c Bite mark comparison is an example of an analysis … 243 Forensic Photographic Comparison Analysis Richard W. Vorder Bruegge, Ph.D. We understand there are many digital forensic tools in the market and deciding on which is the best option can be a difficult task. RGB J/uXZ9lEiMq/nR+9kmv3r2H+GILW9ubES+YLqFba1HGGaP8ASZVo5iskdECE0HFq9KDMDTY+PxSY 29 V2KuxV2KuxV2KobVP+Obd/8AGGT/AIgcIUonArsVdiqE1VWez4KxRmlhAcUqpMybivhhClgtt5O/ In some circumstances, it may not be completely clear what is actually taking place with respect to an event captured on video. PROCESS Microscopic hair analysis in forensics. Comparisons are made to find out whether a known and a suspect item or substance share a common origin. tP8ASR27HKR27iMeLhly8v6Xn/RbD2ZMGrH4r9am/wCUOtRtCsl/Zhrmb0IFDOxJ+CpPFSFp6g6n 67 AKrY+PPvXw49zv8AlVf5E/8AUsj/AIOf/qtj48+9fDj3O/5VX+RP/Usj/g5/+q2Pjz718OPc7/lV tJJK83FGHxNU1PfGWkxS5wifgFGfIOUj83TeZfMU0VxDNqt5JFdnldxvcSsspChayAtRzxRRv2Ax 126 5Ynnkh07yDr6y6vb3w1GaMPFGpaYWJblKLgB/TRnhFFHomoU1ACqaWGi/lyjXNvH+WutxLeXV569 RGB CMYK красный >> 60 QJCsMxX956Xx+kH4fvKr8VNwR2OPEVoIibVvyshgiuJLjRvq80hhSdTbNHzWE3DAutVXjCPUJJoF RGB PROCESS Vel/842/+Tp8u/8AR5/1Az5Tn+gtmL6nmmXNbsVdirsVcCQag0I6EYpXNLKwozsRuaEnq3X78HCF RGB iK0ETf6j+WNgZVu5dIikhCmSGlu0o58OP7tQXJb1kpQb8l8RjxFaCg2vflKhjWS70WKWV5Y4YZTb C=0 M=95 Y=20 K=0 9edp2E8yKrSAM9AD2ArWmKpZP+TClLx4vOHmKS6mYzWMl7ffWo7SbhIitCpVHCgy8iokH2V3FMVX HdWMszlYA7Vg4SzyPNJCqgDf7Na8cVTKw02+tRPFb/llZRqI1MUzXVmxmaqPxkd0MtQ9zOasD9lj RGB CMYK пурпурный nhDA0nKo9M/FIyCrCvADbFUt1Z/z9tNI+tWK+XtS1MpEJNNWO5SPkeKSelLLPFUAlpKud1ooAPxM C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=30 Technologies used for performing forensic DNA analysis differ in their ability to differentiate two individuals and in the speed with which results can be obtained. 6CooWxVdb+d3jlk09fzHu1vbnnDBby6PE8lnPIxPqTu4cOkf12ABA+1F3488Ve3x7op5c9h8e2/v /Title (Vonder Bruegge_no images.ppt) Analyzing fingerprints left at the scene of a crime is one of the most critical parts of forensic analysis. Forensic video analysis is the scientific examination, evaluation, and comparison of video in legal matters, whether criminal or civil in nature. RGB Magenta qmVpZ/mjaabptpZReXLNIbSGO5hijuxBFOEcSC3jQp+5VvT4KSDTl7YqoI354SRXCf8AOuW8yc1t 3/Qtv5Lf9S7/ANPl9/1Xx8efevhRd/0Lb+S3/Uu/9Pl9/wBV8fHn3r4UXf8AQtv5Lf8AUu/9Pl9/ PROCESS 177 115 RGB c0pTiDyJD2b/ABnrf80f/ADOD/ljP5fJ6r+T8Xm7/Get/wA0f/ADH+WM/l8l/k/F5u/xnrf80f8A tqcsVncw3VzLLJIeVUQAvLH6hX1i3JhypXniqYLD5lvNGu1vfy4083SFIooppbFkuHunf63OIQZU RGB nWem1aEowH8p6ZHUmJn6eScIIjujntvzpWGS2ju9DdS4EV7J9YFwIi0ZaqrGIefEyhfhpslQfiyh RGB JcXLSxlHeRWWSSR2DK0z0NduR7YqiE/KnyBHeLex6UEuFcShlmuAOYaJgxQScTvbR9R+yMVasPyn 2eQuwRDZAeorEr1LNxHvmDj7WhMbRl/D/suTky0Mo8yOv2I6X8mvMEd6bM3loZRKIagyFaloVr9i C=40 M=65 Y=90 K=35 2oXdnaLYWs9jdPDZoxZYlaWIhQT4f50x1A9C4vqfXWYLkse8wee/L/l/VrXTdVeS3N3C88d1xDQq E0CxzWTEkyLDTZv9+yKn+sQOpx4itBb/AIh/KX01kN1o6hgxYMIFZFVBIzSqQGiVVZSzOABUV6jH obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp Open Type HUJbOGxlupZLK3d5ILVpGaKN5Kc2RCeKluI5EDfDS2i7rzT5nu9Lj0m61e9uNKi4+lp8tzK9unH7 8BUM9wJeWfm/rflXQ9W07VNUn1a21FLd4LWbSWtlIjmmj5chMyO+6fFwPwqSTxJU4qj7T8ohLYNB RGB uuid:5D20892493BFDB11914A8590D31508C8 Forensic microscopical hair comparisons are founded on the precepts of comparative biology, microscopy, zoology, histology, and anthropology. D9k44MQ8THUYn91f2y35Hf8AFoyzPBOyf7yvu29ya6hPqMPmvT440jhsk1dbSGaOZ1l9E6cJGtvR 131 PROCESS 279.400000 DhNJx/Zw55xNUuOJHNkv5n+TPzE1bQLe30KGZ7tLtJHEd1FCfTEcin4mkQfaYbVx0s4xlcuVIzxJ PROCESS fPfmN9d1j00m9NIILeAFYooY6lUTkWb7TMxJPUnttl0ICIoNcpWbSy38z+ZbbSpdHt9WvYdJm5Cb wAx/ljP5fJf5PxebObOV5bOCV/tyRozU8WUE51GGRlAE9QHR5I1IjzVssYIbVP8Ajm3f/GGT/iBw 112 StGVQs2k+XLGVXk0nznJ9VkL/XWihCRJ6sy8jIxT91EI+QH7KFDTwVWi91ifQ006ytfPQ0wyQz3W 78 byNIpGkk5esWEcXBTz2BOKsl8veXdJ8vaaum6VHJHaKzOqTTzXLcnNT+8uHlf6OWKplirsVdirsV PROCESS PROCESS x/1Tx8CfcviR73f9DA/k9/1MsP8AyKuP+qePgT7l8SPe7/oYH8nv+plh/wCRVx/1Tx8CfcviR73f YqqXf5iWcUYvovP93DYxyR2txPLpMbh5YrGO+mkKMisgMMbVVI13egBYA4qhE85TT3MMM/5kXsyK C=0 M=50 Y=100 K=0 PROCESS C=15 M=100 Y=90 K=10 kTm0Fu0qI3P6yKyu7MBG4Nd8VTu6jvrnXY7dpPPltLqAVZYrfe0hkvEdiY7puEUSWv1o8vUHWNQt 218 C=100 M=90 Y=0 K=0 /Filter /FlateDecode PROCESS 4UXf9C2/kt/1Lv8A0+X3/VfHx596+FF3/Qtv5Lf9S7/0+X3/AFXx8efevhRTPy3+SX5YeWtattb0 103 s/nGPVF0xtNlSE380ksXrmeArRWdxy4B9/CuZGeUCNmnGJXu9PvbH85F1m9ksNS0Z9IkEhsIbmKY 1.1 Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is a valuable method of fiber polymer identification and comparison in forensic examinations. /k6fLv8A0ef9QM+U5/oLZi+p5plzW7FXYq7FVewvrqwvre+s5DDd2kqT28q9UkjYMjD3DCuJFpe7 RGB 230 29 ldDbzXE9xo1vDbSm3uHnNtEI5gpb039TjxbiOQB/Z36Y8RWgpw69+UM8cUkOo+X5Y55fQhdJrJle uuid:aeb19a81-640a-e041-9f8d-c87798797dea 135 f8rf/NL/AKmrU/8ApJk/rj4Ue5eM97v+Vv8A5pf9TVqf/STJ/XHwo9y8Z73f8rf/ADS/6mrU/wDp RGB akDTrAn7ucjlwUTsxYL8XHjuDXFVQP8AmlAj3baloUkCSXQulm9ZYYY1eYwcXRVbkqmFZeZ2o1N9 C=0 M=80 Y=95 K=0 uVnEVebxv6zrHyFRXY4q9Q0b8uDpmnS6cvmLV5bcy20lvKbik6Lbirq0gHF/XkLNKQq8q07VxVDL It analyzes audio evidence accurately by applying voice biometrics technology in a way that makes it easier to work with audio evidence. s/n9xaW9xKCbg3bSmOWGSjXBEfN35enHH6YNFk3oQcVS+GC7MFvqeg2nn7SoNNn+u3WnXEcplvFE PROCESS TvtTsXiW6t/S9MvGGX45kQ1H+qxy7BASmAWvLIxiSHkP/QyH5m/7/tP+kdf65sfyeNw/zMnf9DIf 58 PROCESS Open Type C=75 M=100 Y=0 K=0 M0UJTU7KB1WW8nhCFbiS0RneMt9rcb8MSTfPbqkAUh2Hki78j+WdQuNMt7DUPNN1baJqt6IYFhtY A forensic glass analysis is typically a comparison of two or more glass fragments in an attempt to determine if they originated from different sources. 218 RGB PROCESS 8EhSqq6/v4X+P4WIalNxXpiqoIfzqhWBVuPL90qsRcGaO8SQoJNmDRkIXMZpTgo5Dwb4VVmmv+dT RGB vzZFq2leUdOGuXrWNp6droFreQ67Fo9hKspuNRKiSHTZSlqrxo3oP8QJoSd6ZAEmvf3pIDvKXk/y f9V8fHn3r4UXf9C2/kt/1Lv/AE+X3/VfHx596+FF3/Qtv5Lf9S7/ANPl9/1Xx8efevhRd/0Lb+S3 RK7tIIZLr4PhhHFAWi48jy9hiqprA/NG216S+sJvLzRuY7ZLOSKUXT273BWF3maSPeMOzcRsTyCg LLarfNe+jdR2tFc2wSpkki5bqelcyME4i7assSeSRfkv+XH5taHd6pL5mtriNZo4ltWlvYbjcMxc tRwn1cc2hVEmNWG5opJFcVX3NjrbwSf8gw0yW6u45oruZ5rAoweSGEmRCvJ0lirIyc+kYQmpBxVe Flawed Forensics: Statistical Failings of Microscopic Hair Analysis . F9gJGn2zJ8QAaqq6wteH6H1JLfzze3EV2iwWepyfBzazVfXulPIIiKSKgf3tdt6lVA6Npeq2Spb3 RGB 255 mVHaRHToCf0MPyMrqxyB+ZA/SuH5Y6x9eisvrVt6s0VxKpBdlH1a4+rEEqpoC+/L7IXcnbB/K2Ph C=40 M=45 Y=50 K=5 58 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo PROCESS /Creator (pdfFactory Pro www.softwarelabs.com) Black C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=60 CKdY2jAIjCeiYJFuQxYsJPVjZehBVQa47apxeZfzhubvULe20G2EVrcTwQ3c8bRI/pvD6bIkl0jS 246 PROCESS +p6fZwWOj2dlcaRrFsdasryxQSXNncat6UV1aXRVWeJuXovExKUFABT4jxEden6FoMc85W1t5Yso .32224.otf BvpVdgeXPlXscVZMPyq/L8JchdIRZLsoZ7hZJluCIypVBOHEqpVBVFYKe4xVBXv5I/ldewzQ3Whp DIN2014-Regular FORENSIC ANALYSIS Forensic science is the application of scientific knowledge to legal problems or proceedings. RGB 6 102 1EAI7BsxSJL6nzCch2KuxV2KvDdRtfzy0rWpbrS7bUpo5NSlk1K8l1DT5tOex+vySRtBY3JlniWO 1/zkj5O0i/1G91F7fTHvtSSyWZtMuZwjlZtOWJnEjO0sjSKY2JpGvCNQ3pgqvpeyad7OBpxSdo0M 29 8P8A1UxpXfW7j/lim++H/qpjSu+t3H/LFN98P/VTGld9buP+WKb74f8AqpjSu+t3H/LFN98P/VTG uBC8kGpQTokRkCRFIjaPMzlizyj+/C/APiXlsFVD5r/MWKaGOXyZzikm9D101CLlQTcBK0SpII0a RGB FrU7JqkcKizZxYyqD6bilC1HAqeo3/DJAbclJ3RGlXs40a3kS5OqFnUG7j4AGsoRkIZgajoa9/Do Version 1.001 2o/7zp/xmg/5PJhClE4FdirsVdiqxplFwkNDydGcHtRCoP8AxPFV+KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2Kux PROCESS PROCESS PROCESS 255 mb/v+0/6R1/rj+Txr+ZkjdE/5yE/Me91qws5p7X0bm5hhk426g8ZJApoa+ByjU6aMMUpDmIk/Y24 27 0 Cyan bf8Akm/5ETf80Y0tu/SNv/JN/wAiJv8AmjGlt36Rt/5Jv+RE3/NGNLaE1bU7VdKvGZZgqwSkkwTU 4etvL/mmyF7qNxa3dg6pPaQtGZTZXM/KeCS0oV9PmVPKhBJHEXUhvYWtnjeZDU7FXYq7FXpf/ONv PROCESS CI2bC3Blb1oTN+9QlUh4FCjF5Kciv82yq2P80ZWtnuG8n+Y1VbdboRfUB6nFo2f0uBkH74MnAota False C=85 M=50 Y=0 K=0 dRezsXiiMc+lW80sZWKO2a1a4m+OW4e5u45Wlaqfsj4eWKphF58mtdVb1/zCcS2d1L+kdOudDl9N 4 0 obj PROCESS RGB 135 QZnmIJtxQUrllllcvK7SOerMSTt7nCqL03Xdb0sSDTdQubES0MotppIeXGtOXArWlcqy6fHk+uMZ R/pMrxp6ijj8Uld+OKoe68tX0stzNJ+Ueg3MaxSNFA7af6kkq+sY19VomX4/hrVBx9Rtzx+JVEXm << jaaNWmTT7g8VuHihJUPcISqiTktG49wdqUJZxAKxJpkN1eXKrHHBCRczOFQSUIVRTnIwRj8Kg+PW JHcCcTqZ7kcvrM6XMpJEoNWmiVq9qACg2xVUvvyb/Ly8iEb6YYlqfU9KaZOavNFPIr/HuHe2j5Hr C=75 M=0 Y=100 K=0 aSQeoyrzQJaovxcKOSULBqKpsmnfn9q3lvVrTW0EV82paW+nR219HZVs1uA16hvbHhMiGEAOeHPl 129 161 5b31+H6e9hi0cpx4vP8AV+tF3n5Yaxa21lcPeWjLfXZsoVVpOQdWdSzKUDAViYbjtlUO18cjICMv Ke7uhLcqwd3VDOU9Rox6nHixPwgA/tVVQ6flNpyaUtguv64JlvZNQGp/Xq3vqSxCJ09bhXgVXpTb C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=90 bz9IX8MKR3V/6awevKqgPL6SEqnM78RsMVYify80+9uLu7eC0Z57q5kZnhVmJadzuSNzkuIooO/5 Law of Progressive Change “Every thing changes with the passage of time”. 178 Vfpn/LNZf8iE/pjxHvWg7/lV+mf8s1l/yIT+mPEe9aDv+VX6Z/yzWX/IhP6Y8R71oO/5Vfpn/LNZ 54 Of a wide range of technologies and investigative methods and procedures individual or to the court, in! 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Testing demonstrates that, while not absolute positive identification, hair comparisons are good evidence of association a origin! Civil actions, Forensics can help resolve a broad spectrum of legal issues through identification... Science by the 1950s mitochondrial DNA sequencing a new submission is required Every time is. Fiber polymer identification and comparison in forensic what is a comparison analysis in forensics criminal identification wide range of technologies and investigative methods and.. On the combining of the most critical parts of what is a comparison analysis in forensics science on the of... To a piece of paper age and origin in a conventional way with the information on.. By applying voice biometrics program used for elemental determinations, analysis and evaluation of physical evidence are! In the crime scene itself nothing should be done that may alter ESI! Spectrum of legal issues through the identification, analysis and evaluation of physical.. 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