Barangay (town) tribunals mediate in most landlord-tenant problems. The Philippines accepts the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice. Codification is predominant in countries that adhere to the legal system of civil law. Chapter 2: Sources of Law. The Philippines legal system may be considered as a unique legal system because it is a blend of civil law (Roman), common law (Anglo-American), Muslim (Islamic) law and indigenous law. Chapter 5: The Legal Profession. How effective is the Filipino legal system? Introduction. Links provide access to primary documents, legal commentary, and general government information about specific jurisdictions and topics. Legal Similarities The main source of the law is the constitution of 1987. Chapter 1: Historical Overview. The state shall: 1. Under the Constitution, governmental powers in the The Philippine legal system is predominantly derived from Philippines is divided among three institutions: executive, Spanish and American law, and its laws are enacted by legislative and judicial. Legal System in Philippines. Section 2. There are two primary sources of the law: Statutes or Statutory Law . The legal system is based on both civil and common law. Introduction to the Legal System - Philippines. Among the codes that Spain enforced in the Philippines were the Spanish Civil Code and the Penal Code. The legal system of the Philippine is a mixture of Roman (civil law) and Anglo-American (common law) systems, customary usage, and Islamic law. It’s public law is substantially patterned after common law The Philippine legal system is aptly described as a blend of customary usage, and Roman (civil law) and Anglo-American (common law) systems. It is especially influenced by Spanish and Anglo-American laws. Tradition of codification. The civil law operates in areas such as family relations, property, succession, contract and criminal law while statutes and principles of common law origin are evident in such areas as constitutional law, Chapter 3: Government and the State. This Guide to Law Online Philippines contains a selection of Philippine legal, juridical, and governmental sources accessible through the Internet. Chapter 6: Contract Law. The Philippines have two judicial languages: Filipino and English. If the problem is not resolved at the town level, the parties may go to court and endure a long and expensive trial. The state shall protect and promote the right of all the citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all. Chapter 7: Tort Law. Legal Bases of Philippine Educational System The 1987 Constitutions Article XIV Sections 1-5(5) Section 1. The Philippine legal system is aptly described as a blend of customary usage, and Roman (civil law) as well as Anglo-American (common laws) system. Chapter 4: Legal Procedure / Administration of Justice. The civil law operates in areas such as family relations, property, succession, contract and criminal law. The Philippine Legal System system. The Philippines accept compulsory ICJ jurisdiction though with reservations. But the legal system is cumbersome. As part of the legal system myself, an educator in the field of criminal justice, I say, we are losing, and we are losing poorly. Philippines. The country’s legal system is based on Spanish and Anglo-American law. Spain, a civil law country, introduced the practice of codification in the Philippines, which it had colonized beginning in the late 16th century. The harmonious blending of common law and civil law in one legal system The Philippine legal system today is a unique blending of common law and civil law principles. LEGAL SYSTEM THAT OTHERS SHOULD UNDERSTAND Salvador T. Carlota Dean, University of the Philippines College of Law 1.